
The Only Payday Loan Shop in the City of Williamsburg
Doesn't Play Fair When It
Comes to Lending

Join us for a Demonstration on
Monday, February 11th
Noon to 1 p.m.
March, Speak to the Press, then Peacefully Disperse
Meet at the UC bus stop for the 11:54 bus to the Bloom shopping center (one mile from campus), and plan to return in time for your 1 o’clock classes!
Raise Your Voice for
Fair Credit Options,
Not Debt Traps!
*Organized through the Virginia Organizing Project. For more information, visit http://virginia-organizing.org/. W&M IJM is joining this effort to promote the interests of the abused and impoverished residents of the Williamsburg community and the state of Virginia on the whole.
For more information, please contact Nik Belanger at njbela@wm.edu (students) or Ben Thacker-Gwaltney at 757-570-3005 (community members).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Put ceilings on rates for lenders and see what happens. I would wager they would simply stop loaning money to these people.

Does that really make them better off?

There are reasons rates are so high on these loans: the risk is remarkably high as is the default rate. It's irrational to lend your money to someone with a high risk of not paying it back without some kind of compensation for it.