
Northern Illinois University Shooting

Dear friends,

In a time when our campus is feeling torn apart, another campus has experienced a much greater pain than the resignation of a president. Five students were killed at Northern Illinois University by a single gunman, and many more were wounded. Please keep this school in your thoughts and prayers.

Here's a NY Times article about what happened: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/15/us/15shoot.html?hp.

Let this serve as a reminder that, while some of us might feel hurt by recent events here at the College, our problems are small in comparison with those of others--even those of other US universities. We can continue fighting for what we believe in here in Williamsburg, as we should, but we must never forget how numerous the pains in this world really are--and how we are all called to bind up the brokenhearted and serve as comforts for those who mourn. Let's answer that call.

If you need anything during what could be a difficult time for many, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Nik Belanger

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