
Guatemala Initiative

This year, along with our continued advocacy efforts at William and Mary, in the United States and abroad, the W&M chapter of International Justice Mission will raise $1,000 for a program run by our Washington, D.C., parent organization.

Our contribution will be combined with those of other campus chapters around the country to send SANE(Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner)-trainers to Guatemala to train nurses to properly gather evidence from victims of rape. This will increase prosecutions and convictions of offenders in a country where many go free thanks to antiquated, medically inaccurate policies.

More information on the program can be found in this packet distributed by International Justice Mission headquarters in D.C.

We hope to host several fundraisers in the upcoming months. Ideas can be sent to njbela@wm.edu or brought to one of our meetings (Tuesdays, Tucker 202, 7:30 p.m.).

We especially ask for prayers for those who have suffered and who are suffering from the injustices of the criminal court system of Guatemala. Pray for healing, and that our efforts might be a part of that healing.

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